Art In Embassies Lima: Installation
This morning I received the these images for my painting installation at the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru. The work was selected by our US Ambassador, Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath, through the Art In Embassies program. It is displayed alongside black and white photographs by artist Martín Chambi and sculpture by Juan José Barboza-Gubo. Thank you to Tiffany Williams, Curator for the Art In Embassies program, for including me in the project.
Pendulum at A.D. Gallery
The University of North Carolina Pembroke’s A.D. Gallery is proud to present the 14th Annual International Juried Exhibition. Gains/losses, highs/lows, submerge/emerge…our human experience swings on a pendulum. While we all aim for homeostasis, the moments the pendulum swings are often when we feel the most alive, when we are called to act or react. In the past 20 years, we have faced major political, social, environmental, and personal shifts. These shifts have presented us with obstacles, challenges as well as moments for reinvention and emergence . . .
Baker National 2025
My work Noradrenaline Dilation, oil on canvas, 40 x 30 in, is included in this year’s Baker National. The work is about the chemistry of emotion. It relates color to the role of neurotransmitters that regulate our moods. Here color acts as a metaphor for Noradrenaline which repels a nimbus of gray. Noradrenaline is a transmitter similar to adrenaline that increases levels of alertness, priming us for action. It also increases our blood pressure and widens our air passages . . .
Czong Institute for Contemporary ARt: Portrait 2025
I’m excited to be participating in this year’s Portrait 2025 exhibition at the CICA Museum in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. My work Self Portrait with Deconvolutional Neural Network, pigment ink print, 20 × 16 in, was selected for the show. The work comments on our relationship with Artificial Intelligence. It was created by taking photographic self portraits in full profile. Using Adobe Illustrator, I traced these portraits using nodes, transposing the portrait profiles into input cells that link to a Deconvolutional Neural Network, which is a type of network that emulates a biological brain’s frontal lobe . . .
Art In Embassies: Lima, Peru
In August 2024 I was invited to participate in the U.S. Department of State Art in Embassies program. My painting Insufficient Capacity was selected by curator Tiffany Williams to be included in an exhibition for Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath, the new Ambassador to Peru. Ambassador Syptak-Ramnath is interested in working with artists who create work that encourages connections and drives conversations. It is an honor to participate in this exhibition. The painting is currently being shipped to Peru . . .
Hydrological Landscapes: Global Glacier Casualty List
In August, I traveled to Iceland to conduct field research and meet with scientists for my newest project Hydrological Landscapes. It was my first research expedition of this kind and was funded by a Humanities-, Arts-, and Design-Based Disciplines (HAD) research grant from the Oklahoma State University’s Collage of Arts and Sciences, where I’m starting my second year as the Assistant Professor of Studio Art. This funding and opportunity has reshaped my research based art making practice in several ways. It has encouraged a cross-discipline approach, prompting direct dialogue with the scientists and researchers . . .
Constructed Emotion
In this exhibition, Constructed Emotion, I explore a range of concepts related to current viewpoints in neuroscience, quantum physics, philosophy, and computer science to tell a story about our contemporary experience. I use color systems as a means to describe the function of neurotransmitters. These color systems are further integrated with images of chemical diagrams and CT scans of the human brain . . .
/imagine...Digital Soul
I was invited by ArtX Gallery to participate in the gallery’s /imagine...Digital Soul exhibition at the 2024 GenAI Summit in San Francisco in May. The exhibition included an international roster of artists that “delved into the intricate relationship between art, humanity, and technology, reflecting on the profound impact of technological advancements on society, social contradictions, and environmental changes."
Curator MetaCher ( selected a diverse array of digital artworks that challenge traditional boundaries and invite introspection. The exhibition showcased the innovative works of 19 artists . . .
USM 2023 National Juried Painting Exhibition
The Museum of Art in The University of Southern Mississippi’s (USM) School of Performing and Visual Arts presents the 2023 National Juried Painting Exhibition on Oct. 9-Nov. 3. The exhibition’s juror, USM alumnus Ken Weathersby, will hold a public lecture on Thursday, November 2, at 5:30 p.m., in the Gonzales Auditorium, Liberal Arts Building Room 108, with a reception and awards ceremony to follow in the Gallery of Art and Design, located in the George Hurst Building on the Hattiesburg campus. Free and open to the public.
Minimum Extents at the National Weather Center
An expression of the Climate Change.
Today as we are facing an existential challenge that threatens our very way of life - our security, our livelihoods, our social institutions, and our legacy. That challenge is climate change.
The international scientific enterprise has made extraordinary progress, both in what we know and in determining what phenomena science has yet to reveal or understand. We also have a far better awareness of just how hard it is to understand a world that changes around us, changing in no small part from our own doing. The Arctic has surprised us with a pace of transformation that is far faster than anticipated . . .
Small Works 2022: Main Street Arts, Clifton Springs, NY
Exhibition - November 4th to December 23rd
The ninth annual Small Works exhibition at Main Street Arts features 200 works of art by 200 artists from 32 states. A national juried exhibition of artwork 12 inches or smaller, this year’s Small Works exhibition was juried by Main Street Arts executive director and curator, Bradley Butler.
NOOBAA Non-Objective Abstract Art at 3 Square Art Gallery
NOOBAA Non-Objective Abstract Art is on view Friday, September 16 to October 23 at 3 Square Art Gallery in Fort Collins, CO. I'm excited to show my work, Noradrenaline Dilation, at the exhibition which was selected by Juror Lisa Hatchadoorian, Executive Director, MOA Museum of Art Fort Collins.
Noradrenaline Dilation, oil on canvas, 40 x 30 in. This work is about the chemistry of emotion. It relates color to the role of neurotransmitters that regulate our moods. Here color acts as a metaphor for Noradrenaline which repels a nimbus of gray. Noradrenaline is a transmitter similar to adrenaline that increases levels of alertness, priming us for action. It also increases our blood pressure and widens our air passages.
Moving Parts: Album Artwork for Lakeshore Rush
On May 9th chamber music ensemble Lakeshore Rush released their debut recording titled Moving Parts. My drawing Higgs Boson Study was selected for the album’s cover. The image references the Higgs boson, an invisible energy field present throughout the universe that imbues other particles with mass. In 2012 the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland proved the existence of the Higgs particle. It was discovered by smashing photons and lead ions together to discover smaller particles. Since 1964 it has been a theoretical class of subatomic particles in the Standard Model of physics. It represents centuries of human thought and an exploratory path that leads us towards new horizons. It’s a fitting image for this ensemble’s exploration of new music.
Palindromic Repeats at MAINSITE Contemporary Art
I have to extend a big thank you to MAINSITE Contemporary Art, the Norman Arts Council, and Erin Gavaghan for hosting my MFA Exhibition. The gallery is a wonderful space in the center of Norman, Oklahoma and the opening was part of the city’s 2nd Friday Art Walk, the first held since before the pandemic began. It was wonderful to see so many faces and speak with all kinds of people about this series of work. The show is on view from April 8th through April 23rd.
100 Years of Progress: Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art
It was an honor to be included in the 108th SoVA Student Exhibition this year at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma. I received the Excellence in Painting Award, selected by this year’s juror Jennifer Scanlan, for my painting 100 Years of Progress. The work depicts a solar eclipse and includes stars from the taurus constellation in the same position as the 1919 eclipse used to prove Einstein’s theory of relativity.
MFA Inclusive Show: Lightwell Gallery at the University of Oklahoma
From November 22 through December 14 we are presenting works by the current MFA students at the University of Oklahoma. It’s our first in person MFA show since 2019. Seeing the first year MFA student presentations in person was refreshing, compared to the virtual Zoom experience of 2020.
The show includes new works by:
Marissa Childers, Julie Clark, Danielle Fixico, Hannah Harper, Wesley Kramer, David Morrison, Benjamin Murphy, Craig Swan, Cody Wilson, Summer Zah
Painting National Exhibition at The University of Southern Mississippi
This exhibition examines contemporary painting practices in the United States. Juror Susan Palmisano used this opportunity to look at the breadth and vitality of painting today. The show, according to Palmisano, “ brings together a chorus of rich and varied artistic voices, representative of today’s painting practice.”
107th Annual SoVA Student Exhibition at The Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art
This spring it was absolution thrilling to be back in person for an exhibition, albeit in a limited capacity, the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. The 106th University of Oklahoma student exhibition was 100% online, a disappointing experience for my first student show at the university. Since 1915 the School of Visual Art at the University of Oklahoma has been preparing students for success as artists, designers, scholars, teachers, and influential patrons of all the arts. I’m excited to participate in this tradition during the second year of my MFA program.
MAINSITE Contemporary Art: ONE: Avant-Garde
It’s always fun to visit MAINSITE Contemporary Art in Norman, OK. Today’s opening was especially exciting because it was my first gallery outing since the beginning of the pandemic. I had the privilege of showing two works at this exhibit, The Problem with Plastic No.1 and The Problem with Plastic No.4. Both paintings utilize the ubiquitous plastic bag to create the image and the material adds to the content of these paintings.
Oklahoma State University Faculty Exhibition
Gardiner Gallery of Art
Annual Faculty Exhibition
August 20 - September 20, 2020
This exhibition features recent work of full-time, adjunct, and Emeritus faculty of Oklahoma State University’s Department of Art, Graphic Design and Art History. It offers students and visitors an opportunity to view new directions in work and research by some of the region’s most dynamic artists and educators.